Friday, August 5, 2011

A Friday Link Roundup: Places I've Been...

I don't know if it's my mood this week that I don't find much interesting and worth sharing, or that I just didn't click on the right sites. Either way, I only have a few links to share:

They make paper out of animal poop. Yes, you heard me right.

Huh. It's a plant stand that moves to keep it in the sun. I wonder what type of epic battle would ensue between this plant stand and my cat as they both compete for the sunny spots on the carpet...

I got two MASSIVE zucchini out of my C'est La Vie garden on Wednesday, and there are more on the way. Wouldn't it be nice if we could tell the zucchini plants to only produce one fruit per week? Anyhow, I plan on using some of that zucchini to make these pickles:

Once Max gets a little older I'm going to have to try this lego table hack:

Have a great weekend!

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